in memory of Dorothy Stern
Now your breath leaves,
And you return to hollow, shofar,
And we, so broken, shevarim,
Cry at the hollowness of all bones.
It is written that no one knows how the
Shofar was meant to sound.
Not true…
Love, like ours for you, has always been
The great clarion-tekiah,
That fills our lungs and lives;
Death is the gasping staccato
Teruah-wail of grief;
How hard now to take up the shofar
Of the new year,
And bless your memory
By beginning again.
Tamar Stern has been published in Kerem, Poetica, The Healing Muse, Jewish Literary Journal, and at She has published a chapbook, ” Beauty and Blessing- Art and Poetry Inspired by the Jewish Year.