Shabbes in Beckett – Henry Glazer

Side by side on rocking chairs
Sun’s rays washing our faces
Eyes closed,
We cuddle up to the caress of Torah
I, the text,
She, commentator,
I, God-the starting word,
She, Rashi running with it
like the sea from dry land

I, Moses, raise my hand
to perform magic:
rods into snakes and back again
water into blood
day into night
death in the service
of freedom
water stilled from rushing
Raises the hem of long flowing skirts
Lifting her legs in dance,
Raising her voice in song,
Miriam the miracle –maker,
With body and breast
Bursting with life

Her descendent, my wife,
Sings the song of heart’s softness
The sun’s rays a tambourine
On our turning pages


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